Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Oh man~ im so bloody stucked on my shoe design. . . i prob gonna make a montage or collage and print on it. . . give me comments. . . =)

Thinking of making a video. . . similar to what we did in school. . . but a little more expressive but no conversations =)

Btw. . .

I collected my port folio. . . guys Fyi. . . the whole of Comm D only one person get A and one person get B. . . which means the rest of us are either C, D, E, or F. .

mine was a C+. . . so. . . its not lookin good man. . .

OH YES AFTER READING THIS! NONE OF YOU HAVE SEEN THIS POST. . . thats what colin said when i collected my port folio. . . haahhahaha. .. .


Guitar Hero AREOSMITH!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont wanna miss a thing!!!


Hana Hearts said...

Colin is love :P