Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!

Hope for a better year =)

Things to do this year will be~

Getting Roller Blades
Squash rackets
Complete school
Exercise more ( YES I KNOW IM FAT! )
Be a better man~ ( Not that im gay or what okay! )
Attempt to finish reading a book!
Quit my alcoholic abuse
Quit food abusing ( OKAY! i KNOW where the fats come from!)
Get a nice phone
Meet more friends~
Wish everyone to be healthy~ ( Miss Singapork okay! )
Try to be in a serious relationship~ 
Know a few new friends =)
Pray for nice new classmates~
Blog more~

Ok the list is not gonna end~! lol~

Habbbbbbbbbbbbby NEW YEAR!

New layout!

Hahahaha grumpy me with a grumpy new layout =D

Got Bored =)

Let me know if you want these photoshop brushes or you want me to make a wallpaper for you! =)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What shape is yours?

Is your life a circle? Triangle? Square? Spiral?

I thought about this. . . to me. . . 

Circle means your life is Complete, but boring~

Triangle means there is some stuff that are very important to you that is the tip of a triangle.

Square means you have some hard corners but eventually it is complete.

Spiral is most complicated of all. . . Right now i feel im in a spiral. . . it is going smaller and smaller till a end where it becomes nothing, maybe one day it will go the other way round that it gets bigger and bigger till it's unable to handle? But it has no ends.